Thursday, May 4, 2017

homework #3

To the Point: Interview With Dave Perillo, aka Montygog is basically a Q&A type of article. I had a fun time reading this Q&A article and found it very interesting. I like how Dave said "I grew up in the '70s and '80s, so stuff like Scooby Doo, The Flintstones, Looney Toons, GI Joe and Super Friends was infused into my brain" because I remember watching some of those cartoons growing up and how they made me wanted to be a artist one day

Homework #5 (part 1)

when reading the article, Interview: Making ‘The Master' with Poster Artist Dustin Stanton I had a hard time understanding it. To me this article was basically about this guy instructing you how to make a perfect movie poster.

Homework #5

Image result for beauty and the beast 2017 movie poster

The new 2017 Beauty and the Beast movie poster is my favorite movie poster because it has so much color. one of my favorite things about the poster is the main title's font and the color. I love how they used two different colors on the "Beast". Another thing what I like about this poster is how they have Belle in the light portion of the poster and Beast in the dark portion of the poster because the movie is basically about Belle helping beast to come out of his darkness and bringing him in the light.

Homework #6

basically this homework is about 20 Design Rules You Should Never Break. I like how it starts out with this line "Just like with any profession or discipline, design comes with some rules". My favorite rule is rule #19 which is Learn The Rules Of Grammar.