Friday, January 20, 2017

1. I have been on computers since I was four years old
2. I have about two years of experience in Photoshop and Illustrator because I took CGI, CGII, and digital photography in my Junior and Senior year of high school
3. I do have a computer at home and I do have Photoshop and Illustrator on my laptop
4. my major is Computer Graphic Design
5. I hope to gain more knowledge on how to advance my skills in Photoshop and Illustrator
6. Andy Warhol
7. Bruno Mars
8. I love to draw and sing
9. two years ago when I was visiting family in West Virginia my dog ran away but luckily we found him like an hour later. We brought our dog with us to West Virginia because my Uncle likes it when we bring our dog up to keep his dog company. What happened was that someone must have accidentally left the garage door open and my dog made his great escape. I was actually the one who found my dog and somehow he got all the way to the entrance of my Uncle's neighborhood unharmed, I swear my dog has a guardian angel
(my own work that I did in my computer graphic class in high school)

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